For a full list of publications and abstracts, please see my google scholar page. * indicates student author
Golden HE, Christensen JR, McMillan H, Kelleher CA, Lane CR, Husic A, Li L, Ward AS, Hammond J, Seybold EC, Jaeger KL, Zimmer M, Sando R, Jones CN, Segura C, Maloney DT, Price AN, Cheng F. (In review) Advancing the Science of Headwater Streamflow for Global Water Protection. In review at Nature Water.
Stegen J, Burgin A, Busch M, Fisher J, Ladau J, Abrahamson J, Kinsman-Costello L, Li L, Chen X, Datry T, McDowell N, Tatariw C, Braswell A, Deines J, Guimond J, Regier P, Rod K, Bam E, Fluet-Chouinard E, Forbrich I, Jaeger K, O’Meara T, Schiebe T, Seybold EC, Sweetman J, Zheng J, Allen D, Herndon E, Middleton B, Painter S, Roche K, Scamardo J, Vander Vorste R, Boye K, Wohl E, Zimmer M, Hondula K, Laan M, Marshall A, Patel K. (In review) Reviews and Syntheses: Variable Inundation Across Earth’s Terrestrial Ecosystems. In review at Biogeosciences.
Price A, Zimmer M, Bergstrom A, Burgin A, Seybold EC, Krabbenhoft C, Zipper S, Busch MH, Dodds W, Datry T, Walters A, Rogosch J, Stubbington R, Walker R, Stegen J, Kaiser K, Messager M, Olden JD, Godsey S, Shanafield M, Lytle DA, Allen GH, Mims MC, Tonkin JD, Bogan M, Burrows R, Hammond J, Boersma KS, DelVecchia AG, Allen DC, Yu S, Ward A. (In review) Biogeochemical and ecological responses to the wetting of non-perennial streams. In review at Nature Water.
Abbott BW, Underwood KL, Seybold EC, Kincaid DW, Hamshaw SD, Lee RM, Rizzo DM, Brown B, Toolin R, Chorover J, Li L, Lewis G, Sayedi SS, Hill S, Lewis G, Wood RL, Aanderud Z, Brahney JL, Nixon RS, Wang W, Allsup P, Flox C, Perdrial JN. (In review) Ecological Resilience in the Anthropocene is rooted in Earth stewardship. In review at Ecological Monographs. Montalvo M*, Grande E, Braswell A, Visser A, Arora A, Seybold EC, Tatariw C, Haskins J, Endris C, Gerbl F, Huang M, Morozov D, Zimmer M. (2024) A fresh take: Seasonal changes in terrestrial freshwater inputs impact salt marsh hydrology and vegetation dynamics. Estuaries and Coasts.
Kincaid DW, Underwood K, Hamshaw S, Li L, Seybold EC, Stewart B*, Rizzo D, Ul Haq I*, Perdrial J. (2024) Solute export patterns and links to catchment attributes across the contiguous United States. Hydrological Processes.
Stewart B*, Shanley J, Matt S, Seybold EC, Kincaid DW, Vierbicher A*, Cable B*, Hicks N*, Perdrial J, Li L. (2024) Illuminating the “invisible”: Substantial Deep Respiration and Lateral Export of Dissolved Carbon from Beneath Soil. Water Resources Research.
Swenson L*, Zipper S, Delaney DM*, Jones CN, Burgin AJ, Seybold EC, Kirk M, Hatley C*. (2024). Changes in water age during dry-down of a non-perennial stream. Water Resources Research.
Seybold EC, Bergstrom A, Jones CN, Burgin A, Zipper S, Godsey S, Dodds W, Zimmer M, Shanafield M, Datry T, Mazor R, Messager M, Olden J, Ward A, Yu S, Kaiser K, Shogren A, Walker R. (2023) How Low Can You Go? Widespread Challenges in measuring low stream discharge and a path forward. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Ruckhaus M*, Seybold EC, Underwood K, Stewart B*, Kincaid D, Shanley JB, Li L, Perdrial J. (2023) Disentangling the responses of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations to overlapping drivers in a northeastern United States forested watershed. Frontiers in Water.
Grande E*, Seybold EC, Tatariw C, Visser A, Braswell A, Arora B, Birgand F, Haskins J, Zimmer M. (2023). Seasonal and Tidal Variations in Hydrologic Inputs Drive Salt Marsh Porewater Nitrate Dynamics. Hydrological Processes.
Grande E*, Visser A, Oertre E, Arora B, Seybold EC, Tatariw C, Braswell AE, Montalvo, M, Zimmer MA. (2023). Flow directions and ages of subsurface water in a salt marsh system constrained by isotope tracing. Estuaries and Coasts.
Perdrial JN, Kincaid DW, Wheaton D, Seybold EC, Stewart* B, Walls L, Blouin M, Toolin R, Chorover J, Lewis C. 2023. Equity, Diversity, and Community as the Basis for Critical Zone Science and Education. Earth’s Futures.
Seybold EC, Dwivedi R, Musselman K, Kincaid DW, Schroth AW, Adair CA, Claussen A, Perdrial JN. 2022. Winter runoff events pose an unquantified continental-scale risk of high wintertime nutrient export. Environmental Research Letters.
Zipper SC, Popescu* I, Compare* K, Zhang C, Seybold EC. 2022. Alternative states and hydrological revime shifts in a large intermittent river. Environmental Research Letters.
Grande* E, Arora B, Visser A, Montalvo* M, Braswell AE, Seybold EC, Tatariw C, Beheshti K, Zimmer MA. 2022. Tidal frequencies and quasiperiodic subsurface water level variations dominate redox dynamics in a salt marsh system. Hydrological Processes.
Seybold EC, Fork ML, Braswell AE, Blaszczak JR, Fuller MR, Kaiser KE, Mallard JM, Zimmer MA (2021) A Classification Framework for Assessing Ecological, Biogeochemical, and Hydrological Synchrony and Asynchrony. Ecosystems.
Siegert CM, Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ, Gold AJ, Addy K, Schroth AW, Seybold EC, Inamdar S, Levia DF. (2021) Effects of Atmospheric Circulation on Stream Chemistry in Forested Watersheds across the Northeastern United States: Part 1. Synoptic-scale Forcing. JGR-Atmospheres.
Suriano ZJ, Siegert CM, Leathers DJ, Gold AJ, Addy K, Schroth AW, Seybold EC, Inamdar S, Levia DF. (2021) Effects of Atmospheric Circulation on Stream Chemistry in Forested Watersheds across the Northeastern United States: Part 2. Interannual Weather Type Variability. JGR-Atmospheres.
Kincaid DW, Seybold EC, Adair EC, Bowden WB, Perdrial JN, Vaughan MCH, Schroth AW (2020) Land use and season influence event-scale riverine export dynamics of nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus from headwater catchments. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2020WR027361 *Awarded WRR Editor's Choice Award*
Landsman-Gerjoi* M, Perdrial JN, Lancellotti B, Seybold EC, Schroth AW, Adair CA, Wymore A. (2020) Measuring the influence of environmental conditions on dissolved organic matter biodegradability and optical properties: a combined field and laboratory study. Biogeochemistry. doi: 10.1007/s10533-020-00664-9
Seybold EC, Gold A, Inamdar S, Bowden WB, Vaughan M, Pradhanang S, Addy K, Shanley J, Vermilyea A, Levia D, Adair C, Wemple B, Schroth A. (2019) Influence of land use and hydrologic variability on seasonal dissolved organic carbon and nitrate export: insights from a multi-year regional analysis for the northeastern USA. Biogeochemistry. doi: 10.1007/s10533-019-00609-x
Seybold EC, McGlynn BL (2021) Middle Rockies (Omernik Ecoregion 6.2.10) Represented by Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana. In: A synthesis of science from experimental forests and ranges. Gen. Tech. Rep. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Seybold EC, McGlynn BL (2018) Hydrologic and biogeochemical drivers of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate uptake in headwater stream networks. Biogeochemistry. doi: 10.1007/s10533-018-0426-1
Bernhardt ES, Blaszczak J, Ficken C, Fork M, Kaiser K, Seybold EC (2017) Control Points in Ecosystems: Moving beyond the hot spot hot moment concept. Ecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s10021-016-0103-y
Schade JD, Seybold EC, Drake T, Spawn S, Sobczak W, Frey KE, Holmes RM, Zimov N (2016) Variation in summer nitrogen and phosphorous uptake among Siberian headwater streams. Polar Research 35. doi: 10.3402/polar.v35.24571